That under the Shandong nursery stock base on pomegranate tree transplantation with years of experience, in the year before and after the Qingming Festival, the pomegranate tree just germination and the survival rate in 95% above, then the transplantation of pomegranate tree is to absorb moisture germinate survival rate is relatively high. The cultivation technology mainly has the following several points:
一、種子育苗 選用二年以上樹齡產的果子,種子播種前用40℃的干凈溫水浸泡半天,播種深度1厘米,苗床溫度白天保持在25—30℃,夜間不低于15℃,苗土濕潤,12—15天即可出苗。苗高10厘米左右即可帶土移栽。山東綠化苗木
A seed, seedling selection more than two years of age produce fruit, with clean warm water soak for half a day to 40 DEG C seeds before sowing, sowing depth of 1 cm, the soil temperature during the day in 25 - 30 DEG C, the night is not lower than 15 DEG C, seedling soil moist, 12 - 15 days to emergence. The seedling height of about 10 cm transplanting with soil.
二、扦插育苗 扦插時間為春季。選取健壯枝條,剪成20厘米長的小段,插入土中,深為枝條的一半,保持土壤濕潤,注意苗床遮蔭,7—10天時間即可生根。
Two, cuttage cutting time for spring. select strong branches, cut into 20 cm long short, inserted into the soil, deep branches half, keep the soil moist seedbed, pay attention to shade, 7 - 10 days can take root.
三、盆景栽種 移栽在花盆上的石榴苗,待生長成活穩定后,苗高15厘米打尖平頂,使其多生側枝杈,樹型繁茂,盆景栽培的四季紅石榴個低矮、枝杈多,頭一兩年株高30厘米左右,側莖25厘米左右。每株同時開花幾十朵,單果重只有30—50克,具有較高的觀賞價值。山東苗木基地https://www.jnbmy.com/
Three, planted in pots of bonsai transplanting on seedling growth of pomegranate, to be stable after the seedling survival, 15 cm high pinching flat, which many students side branches, tree flourish, bonsai cultivation seasons red pomegranate, low branches, the first one or two years of about 30 cm in plant height, lateral stems to 25 cm left and right. At the same time blossom dozens of flowers per plant, weight only 30 - 50 grams, with high ornamental value.
四、露地栽種 栽植行、株距為60×60厘米。1—2月份保溫育苗,當年5月開花秋季結果,4月播種6月開花,夏播的晚秋開花。三年以上的石榴株高60—80厘米,側莖50—60厘米。每株同時開花近百朵,單果重150克,三年以上樹齡即進入高產期,四季產果天天上市。https://www.jnbmy.com/
Four, open field planting planting rows, rows 60 x 60 cm. 1 - February insulation seedling, in May of that year of autumn sowing in April June the blossom, blossom, summer late autumn blossom. More than three years of pomegranate height 60 - 80 centimeters, the side of the stem 50 - 60 cm. At the same time, nearly a hundred flowers blossom per plant, the maximum fruit weight 150 grams, more than three years old enters high period, Four Seasons fruit every day listed.